Valentine’s Day: Friend or Foe?
I used to pretend not to love Valentine’s Day. I defined it as a stupid day to guilt men into spending money on unnecessary gifts, and to make the singles feel like rejects. Now I know better…
I used to pretend not to love Valentine’s Day. I defined it as a stupid day to guilt men into spending money on unnecessary gifts, and to make the singles feel like rejects. Now I know better…
Angelina Jolie files for divorce from Brad Pitt! WTF! We can all agree that most of us didn’t see that one coming.
Do you remember your second thought? “If it can happen to them, who says it can’t happen to us?”
Ouch what a scary question. Let’s see if your marriage is at risk and go over a key formula to make sure that you and your spouse are keeping your relationship hot (in a suburban lifestyle kind of way).
Oh God… That permanent pit in your gut just won’t go away. It’s the constant reminder that your marriage is failing and you can’t seem to do a damn thing about it.
It’s not like you haven’t tried to save your marriage, you’ve tried everything! Date nights, doing more around the house, dressing up, losing weight, giving compliments, reading books, and yet it always turns out the same. You two bickering, arguing, or all out brawling.
So now you’re considering professional help. But you’re skeptical “Does marriage counseling really work?”
A startling 20 year study found that an alarming amount of psychiatrists prescribe anti-depressants to married men and women that don’t meet the current DSM criteria for depression.
It’s safe to say that our partners can royally piss us off, frustrate us beyond belief, and cause us to feel waves upon waves of pain. But to be put on a drug to wade through the woes, I think that’s going too far.
Instead of taking a pill to stay in a situation, whether it’s your job, marriage, or life, wouldn’t you rather change the circumstance all together?
Why is it that we don’t want to look at options that don’t come with a mile long list of side-effects?
Take a second and remember where you were just weeks ago. You couldn’t imagine surviving the earth shattering pain, let alone feeling this way about your partner that strayed.
Let’s Have Some Fun
You get to co-create a life that will support the progress that you two have made, as well as, surround you with what matters most in life, more time.
The final steps in this 3 Phase infidelity recovery program are, (1) slow down, (2) simplify, and (3) savor.
So you’ve decided to give your marriage another chance. But how in the hell are you two going to make this time different?
You two are about to embark on the journey through Phase II. Remember in Phase I, it was all about triage and damage control from the trauma that ensued after the affair was revealed.
In this next phase you both will get an opportunity to share your perspective about how the marriage was before the aftermath from a decision that threatened to take down your world.
Do you remember the skills that you learned in Phase I, self-soothing and unyielding patience? Good because you will need them to get through the upcoming exercises.
To The Betrayed,
Right now you feel utterly destroyed. The amount of pain that you’re in is indescribable.
You want to scream, but the only sound that comes out is a broken roar from the unearthed sobs that you can’t control. Your mind races from one end of the relationship to the other searching for answers. Questions like, were there clues that you missed that could have alerted you this was coming, plague your mind.
It won’t STOP! The story line that you can come up with has only bits and pieces flashing across the screen in your mind, like a faulty film reel. So you beg your partner to relinquish the knowledge so that your mind can find peace. Even though deep down you know more anguish is in the details, your mind won’t rest until it gets some answers.
How important is the relationship that you have with your spouse?
Extremely important. In fact it’s the most important relationship (not including religion and self) that you’ll ever have.
When your relationship is not up to par, the rest of your life takes a major hit. Other relationships suffer and your level of over all satisfaction goes down.
Scientist discovers another benefit from our love hormone.
Does it REALLY matter where you and your spouse sit to watch television?
According to Time Magazine, close physical proximity produces a positive bond between a couple and promotes fidelity in males. This is thanks to the attachment hormone, oxytocin that’s released when you kiss, touch, or now even sit with your spouse.
In another study it was determined that heterosexual males where less likely to stray or be interested in looking at other attractive females if they felt bonded to their spouse.
Learn how to cool your volcanic monthly madness in 3 simple steps.
Oh $h*t… It’s that time again.
That dreaded week before your period begins.
A study reports that 85 percent of women experience Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) about one week before their period begins. BUT very few actually talk about how this affects us, and our relationships.