Scared Your Marriage Will End Like Brad and Angelina? Not If You Do These 3 Things

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Where were you when you heard the news?

Angelina Jolie files for divorce from Brad Pitt!  WTF!  We can all agree that most of us didn’t see that one coming.

Do you remember your second thought?  “If it can happen to them, who says it can’t happen to us?”

Ouch what a scary question.  Let’s see if your marriage is at risk and go over a key formula to make sure that you and your spouse are keeping your relationship hot (in a suburban lifestyle kind of way).

What Does It Take To Stay Married?

Communication Blunders: Are They To Blame For Your Failing Relationship?

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The #1 down fall in marriages is lack of communication skills.  

But is your relationship success dependent on how well you communicate or could it be more? According to the University of Georgia effective communication is not as crucial as once predicted.  

Almost every couple that comes in for marriage counseling searches for communication skills.  And yet, when I sit with the same couples I see that they communicate just fine.  For example, if you think that your partner is a lazy, inconsiderate waste of space, I bet he hears you loud and clear.  

Couples are NOT bad communicators.  They are terrible listeners.

Do You Have To Be Drugged To Stay Married?

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According to this HUGE study, many say I do to anti-depressants after that vows are exchanged.

A startling 20 year study found that an alarming amount of psychiatrists prescribe anti-depressants to married men and women that don’t meet the current DSM criteria for depression.

It’s safe to say that our partners can royally piss us off, frustrate us beyond belief, and cause us to feel waves upon waves of pain.  But to be put on a drug to wade through the woes, I think that’s going too far.

Instead of taking a pill to stay in a situation, whether it’s your job, marriage, or life, wouldn’t you rather change the circumstance all together?

Why is it that we don’t want to look at options that don’t come with a mile long list of side-effects?  

How To Build A ROCK STAR Life After The Affair

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To Support Your New And Improved Marriage

Awesome.  You now know exactly what went wrong before the affair and you feel absolutely helpless to fix it. 

Basically your marriage needs more time (and attention).  But where’s this precious commodity going to come from?  And who can sustain devoting that much attention to their relationship once kids and the rest of the sh*t storm shows up?

I Double Dog Dare You To Try This Trick Tonight!

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Scientist discovers another benefit from our love hormone.

Does it REALLY matter where you and your spouse sit to watch television?

According to Time Magazine, close physical proximity produces a positive bond between a couple and promotes fidelity in males.  This is thanks to the attachment hormone, oxytocin that’s released when you kiss, touch, or now even sit with your spouse. 

In another study it was determined that heterosexual males where less likely to stray or be interested in looking at other attractive females if they felt bonded to their spouse.