Can You Save Your Marriage When the American Dream Is Hijacking It?

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Nearly half of Americans live check to check and have no time to nurture relationships.

Are we living the American dream?

According to a new poll 43 percent of Americans live check to check and couldn’t pay their bills if they missed one month of work.  It’s no wonder why it’s such a struggle to save your marriage. You have no time and no energy to give.

In today’s blog I will show how you got into this mess (don’t worry it’s not all you) and actionable steps to get out.  Let’s take a closer look as to how this all goes down.

The American Psychological Association reports in their latest study that 75 percent of Americans have financial stress and a survey conducted by Citibank stated that 57 percent of divorces cited money problems as their reason for dissolving the marriage.

​Does Marriage Counseling Work? Here are the Top 20 Reasons Why It ABSOLUTELY Does!

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Is Couples Counseling Effective And Can It Save Your Marriage?

Oh God… That permanent pit in your gut just won’t go away.  It’s the constant reminder that your marriage is failing and you can’t seem to do a damn thing about it.

It’s not like you haven’t tried to save your marriage, you’ve tried everything!  Date nights, doing more around the house, dressing up, losing weight, giving compliments, reading books, and yet it always turns out the same.  You two bickering, arguing, or all out brawling.

So now you’re considering professional help.  But you’re skeptical “Does marriage counseling really work?”

Communication Blunders: Are They To Blame For Your Failing Relationship?

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The #1 down fall in marriages is lack of communication skills.  

But is your relationship success dependent on how well you communicate or could it be more? According to the University of Georgia effective communication is not as crucial as once predicted.  

Almost every couple that comes in for marriage counseling searches for communication skills.  And yet, when I sit with the same couples I see that they communicate just fine.  For example, if you think that your partner is a lazy, inconsiderate waste of space, I bet he hears you loud and clear.  

Couples are NOT bad communicators.  They are terrible listeners.

I Double Dog Dare You To Try This Trick Tonight!

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Scientist discovers another benefit from our love hormone.

Does it REALLY matter where you and your spouse sit to watch television?

According to Time Magazine, close physical proximity produces a positive bond between a couple and promotes fidelity in males.  This is thanks to the attachment hormone, oxytocin that’s released when you kiss, touch, or now even sit with your spouse. 

In another study it was determined that heterosexual males where less likely to stray or be interested in looking at other attractive females if they felt bonded to their spouse.


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For the longest time I was completely shocked by the amount of power an affair had on individuals.  It was as if the grips of infatuation my clients could not think rationally, were willing to give up the life they created with their spouse, and didn’t seem to care about the consequences to their behavior.  The best way that I can describe someone in the throws of a torrent affair is they appear to be under a spell, or some describe it as the affair fog.