To Be Perfect or Real? That is the Question.

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Once you reach a certain age, playing becomes a foreign term.  As adults we tend to focus on accomplishing, being responsible, and on how others perceive us.  We forget the sweet reward of being silly, goofing around, and getting out of our ‘put together’ comfort zone.  I am right there with you!  Nevertheless this Friday I have decided to do it differently and dress up to go trick-or-treating (with my kids).

Why this sudden change of heart?  Well it was all because of a little conversation with my kiddos this past weekend.  James (4) asked me what I was going to be this year for Halloween and before I could even answer my daughter, Ali (6) interrupted and informed him that mom doesn’t do things like that.  For me that was like a knife to the heart.  I had to step back and ask myself, is that the kind of mom I want to be remembered as?  Unequivocally, the answer is NO!  

I know I am not alone when I say, it gets really easy to slip into these boring funks as parents.  I believe it’s due to copious amount of pressure we put on ourselves to be perfect that we forget that its the simple imperfections that connect us as humans.  How many times have you seen a girl pull out her perfectly organized coupon holder and thought, huh we are both anal about our coupons, I feel like I’m not alone?  Chances are NEVER, on the other hand, when have you seen a mom rushing her kids into the school, hair in disarray as she tries to make the second bell, and thought, thank gosh I’m not the only one that doesn’t have my (bleep) together.  Which one are you more likely to feel more connected to?  

Today, stop doing the world a disservice by being so put together and decide to be a real person.  When we can just be real, we allow other’s to connect; which gives us the sense of being part of something greater than our own secluded ‘imperfect’ world.

Back to Friday:

Now imagine you get your kids ready for trick-or-treating and head out the door.  You have your perfect parka on (if you live in MN) along with your matching hat and glove set, and you’re ready to go.  On the way you see a few parents that got into the spirit of the holiday and dressed up like Dorothy from Wizard of Oz and the Frozen character.  You can hear their children howling with laughter as they eat up this experience with their moms.  What do you say in your head?  Do you judge?  Are you envious?  Do you wish you would have taken this opportunity to let your hair down and played with your kids?  

There is still time to join me and do it differently.  Screw what people will think, who cares how long its been or if this is just so out of character for you.  Maybe it is more in line with your authentic self than you realize;)  By reading this blog you have given yourself the gift of choice:  What kind of parent do I want to be remembered as?  

“My mom always looked so perfect.”  Or “My mom would do the craziest stuff with us, even dress up for Halloween!  Good times!”