Turn off the noise

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This weekend my husband and I were going through old comedy standup routines when we came across one from Ellen Degeneres from 2003.

One thing she talked about was all the noise that goes on in our world and how difficult it is to shut off our minds when it’s time to be quiet.  She  described a time when she was trying to quiet her mind enough to go to sleep and this song popped in her head (a catchy jingle that was used in a marketing campaign to sell bleach laundry detergent). 

I couldn’t help but to consider that this skit was created in 2003.  Fast forward 11 years to 2014 and consider how much more noise there is today.  The point of this blog is to remind us that we need silence to in order to determine our purpose and to stay true to ourselves .  It is proving more and more difficult to get quiet.  Therefore we need to choose to live a life with intention, to do it right.  You’ll need to make a conscious effort in order to become quiet and over time it will get easier.

In my practice and just being an observer in the world today, I experience a lot of people that do not live up to their potential or that forget they have dreams and passions of their own.  The world makes it too easy to get caught up in this fast pace of existence that we forget that we do have control to hit the pause button and totally change directions should we choose. 

Sure getting quiet, truly quiet, and listening to your authentic thoughts can be unsettling and even scary; nevertheless, wouldn’t you rather do it now than when you’re lying in a bed at the age of 89 filled with regret as you recap your life and the choices you made?  I know that I hear at least once a week from my seniors, “It goes fast, enjoy” or “don’t waste your time doing what you don’t like, the end comes before you know it.”

What do you think they are trying to say?  “I didn’t step off the fast train and I regret the (bleep) out of that decision.”  At least that is my interpretation:)

Let’s choose to be different today.  Turn off the radio, Pandora, the news, social media, cell phone alerts.  Turn off the world and tune into you.  Sure it will take some time to purge your mind of the little jiggles selling bleach products but eventually you’ll come to a place of quiet, calm, and clarity.  It is in this space you are afforded the opportunity to realign with your core values, makes adjustments to your life and choose to do it better.  When we get old and wrinkly let us be the generation that says, “Damn, I’m so glad I turned off the noise.”
